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Hydrology 9NX preview | To the Cloud Vapor Store

Hydrology 9NX Vaporizer | First Look at Cloudious 9’s New Vaporizer

Cloudious9 makers of the Hydrology 9 Vaporizer have a new vaporizer release in the mix,  the sequel to the uber popular H20 filtered cannabis vaporizer, with an updated model capable of vaping concentrates and flower –  dubbed the Hydrology 9NX.

While we have not had the opportunity to session with the new Hydrology 9NX Vaporizer, we do think it should be a bigger hit than the original given its ability to do dabs. We may even see the new Cloudious9 release be a direct competitor with the likes of the Carta V2, Boost Evo and the Puffco Peak Pro Concentrate Vaporizers.

True to Form

hydrology 9nx preview | To the Cloud Vapor Store

The Hydrology 9 was dubbed the bong vaporizer and the standard design still applies. The Hydrology 9NX has the same cylindrical anodized aluminum and glass body where you input water and draw from the Borosilicate Glass mouthpiece. Taking a draw is as straightforward a concept on the 9NX as it is the original. 

Removeable Chambers

Hydrology 9NX Concentrate | To the Cloud Vapor Store
hydrology 9NX flower | To the Cloud Vapor Store

The most obvious difference on the upgrade are the removable chambers. The original had a small ceramic conduction oven built in the bottom of the unit where you input your herb. The Hydrology 9NX has two cartridge inserts (one for flower and one for concentrates) which are completely removable and slide into the bottom of the unit. 

While the Hydrology 9NX is compatible with both herb and concentrates, you will have to purchase both inserts. The chamber insert you want for your 9NX is up to you. Meaning you can select  the flower chamber or the concentrate atomizer and would then have to add the other if you wanted the dual dab/herb vape capability. The Flower or concentrate NX9 is $270 but if you want to go with both it is $300. 

Without a doubt Cloudious9 has done their homework. Most consumers are pretty loyal to vaping with herb or concentrates. While I love a good dab and use my Puffco Peak weekly, I myself am primarily a flower connoisseur. 

Concentrate Atomizers

The concentrate cartridge comes with two inserts, one comprised of a 100% Glass Quartz and one a 100% Ceramic  bucket.  This really lets you decide flavor town or “To the Cloud” when doing dabs with your 9NX.  The concentrate cartridge also features a  Titanium Plate heating element and glass carb cap for easy clearing of your vaporizer during a session.

Flower Chamber

The 9NX flower chamber is made of Ceramic with a patent pending dual heating chamber.  This will heat your herb with convection and conduction providing optimal vapor production. I am excited to see how this hits from the original and am hoping the hybrid conduction/convection make it so there is no need to stir.

Adjustable Dial Temperature

Hydrology 9NX temperature dial | To the Cloud Vapor Store

The Hydrology 9NX has 6 adjustable temperatures for the herb and concentrate cartridges. The temperature is adjusted via the temperature selection dial and will show the corresponding heat setting through the color light illuminating through the vaporizer’s water.

Hydrology 9NX Insert Concentrate Atomizer  Flower Chamber 
Blue  554 °F 356°F
Green  590°F 383°F
Yellow  626°F 401°F
Purple  662°F 419°F
Red 716°F 437°F
White  770 °F 455°F

Removeable Battery

Another improved feature and something requested greatly in feedback from the vaporizer community are removable batteries. Cloudious9 took heed and revamped the new Hydrology 9NX with a  removable 1900mAh lithium polymer battery. This however does appear to be a proprietary Cloudious9 battery and not the standard removable 18650 utilized by the likes of the Boundless Tera and Davinci IQ2 which give you the option to externally charge and swap them out with other 18650 compatible vapes. 

It must be a pretty good battery however with charge times hovering a little over an hour and offering According to Cloudious9’s website you get  60 sessions for dabs on a single charge and 100+ for herb. That would be one of the fastest  charge times to use ratios for concentrate or herb vaporizers. In my expert opinion I feel those numbers may be a little inflated and would like to put it to the test. I do wonder if maybe they meant to say pulls which would seem way more in line with competitive vapes.

Magnetic USB Charging Port

Another cool new feature is the Magnetic USB Charging Port which attaches to the side and has a little insert space for the dab tool. I am excited to check out this new feature on the Hydrology 9NX. I have not yet experienced one of these applied on a vaporizer, however do believe AirVape offers an add purchase such as this with their Legacy Vaporizer.

Easy Disassembly

This is a great value added on the Hydrology 9 and should be even more welcomed on the NX9. The predecessor does need to be disassembled and cleaned quite a bit. With dabs added into the mix the Hydrology 9NX is certain to gunk up much faster than with just herb alone. While the disassembly is easy breezy doing it can be an inconvenience, but with the material chambers and battery being removable it will be alot less daunting of a task. 

Wrapping it up on the Hydrology 9NX Vaporizer

It is nice to see Cloudious9 make some major changes on their new Hydrology 9NX Vaporizer. Lately it does seem that the “newer” 2 or + model variations of an older model vaporizer such as the IQ2 or Crafty+ have not been too different from the original and the rollout of the new models by manufacturers are doing it to build some hype for a quick sales bump. 

There is no doubt the Hydrology 9NX is a major overhaul and as long as the PAX 4 comes with the same amount of upgrades we see on the Hydrology 9NX, I will be a happy camper. 

Subscribe to get more info on release and reserve your spot to buy the new Cloudious9 Hydrology 9NX  when they go live for sale.

The Covid-19 Pandemic certainly has pushed many product release dates back and we do not have anything set in stone for the retail release of the Hydrology 9NX, nor have we gone hands on with this puppy yet. It does look very interesting and with the dual use capability, removable battery and curb appeal we are excited to see how it stacks up against the original and the e-rig competition. 

Subscribe to get more info on release and reserve your spot to buy the new Cloudious9 Hydrology 9NX  when they go live for sale.

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