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venty vs. Mighty+

Venty Vs. Mighty+ Plus ? Why Not to Worry about the Early Venty Issues

One of the biggest trade in trends we are seeing is our customers trading in their Mighty+ for credit  towards the Venty. In my personal opinion this is not the best value as you already have a really good vaporizer in the Mighty+ and the Venty, while an upgrade, is not exactly worth it if you already have a really high end device in the Mighty+.

Another slightly worrisome  trend we are seeing in the Venty vs. Mighty+ (Plus) discussion is with the issues of the Venty persisting despite the Venty recall which took place in December 2023. While the recall issues have been resolved the Venty is still experiencing an unusually high amount of user errors which are needing to be warrantied.

So let’s dive in and see what are some main factors to consider with the Venty vs. the Mighty+ if you are thinking about buying the Mighty+ or Venty or trading in your Mighty+ towards the Venty. 

New Technology Issues

venty e04 error

The Mighty+ offers some slight improvements over what was the best dry herb vaporizer in the space from 2014  until the Mighty+ came on the scene in 2021. That is the original Mighty. The design was dialed in, mass production had been going for years and no large tweaks were needed when producing the Mighty+. The Mighty+ was released without issue and everyone continued to sing the praises of Storz & Bickel. 

The Venty on the other hand is a brand new vaporizer and different device with some pretty sweet features and new technology  – insanely fast heat up time, next to no draw resistance and that tasty pine whilst smooth Storz & Bickel vapor everyone talks so much about.  What appears to be shaping up right now is some engineering & software failures caused by the new tech. 

Even after resolving the Venty Vaporizer recall on the 2023 models we are still hearing about an unusual high number of defects in the Venty Vaporizer.  The Venty power demands are too high, the Venty is prone to overheating, the ability to adjust airflow is causing blowback into the unit after a very long draw. These are amongst a few Venty errors and while most of them not serious, if getting your feet wet with vaporizers, might not likely be the best choice to go with the most recently released technology. 

That is not to say the Mighty+ doesn’t have issues of its own. However in early 2024 it certainly appears to be the safer bet for longevity between the two highly regarded vaporizers. In fact we just read yesterday in a Reddit  post about a user who had his Venty melted in what seems was caused by the battery issue Storz & Bickel addressed in their 2023 recall.  For disclaimer,  the Redditor did say it was a 2023 Venty bought directly from S&B which he never sent back under the recall directive.  

While Storz & Bickel does have a great warranty policy (3 years on both devices)  it has become a tad unnerving they are asking customers to foot the bill for shipping so soon after they purchase a $400+ new vaporizer which is defective. They did not do this for the recall which was nice and To the Cloud Vapor Store has only sold the most recent version of the Venty vaporizer which was produced post Venty recall. 

This should all be taken with a grain of sand as the Venty fail rate we have seen from the few hundreds of Venty’s sold by us remains about 2.5% with about a .5% fail rate on the Mighty+. The odds are still in your favor if going for the superior vaporizer in the Venty that you will have no issues as our Venty reviews can attest to. 

Price & Value

We should have likely titled this post better and made it “Choosing between the Mighty, Mighty+ or Venty” that is because the original Mighty is still in production and offers vapor and user experience nearly on par with the Mighty+. 

The Venty and Mighty+ are only separated in price by a figure of $50 and if springing for either you are already in the realm of luxury vaporizer prices. There are currently more deals to be had on the Mighty+ and it is 11% cheaper. 

The real value is going to be for those who do not mind using an AC wall adapter plugin and picking up the original Mighty for 26% cheaper than the Venty. This is coming from a luddite who still uses the original Mighty and had an old Classic Volcano for 12 years. It will do the trick without all the new technology. 

Now for those who already own a Mighty+ this makes trading in even less of a value as you will be getting a fraction of the value for your Mighty+ towards the Venty. If you already own and are happy, rock that Mighty or Mighty+ until the wheels fall off. If not we are always happy to facilitate a trade up. 

Draw Resistance

venty adjustable airflow

We get alot of customers with health issues sent to us by their doctors. They are quitting a lifetime of bong tokes and joint rolling to switch to a healthier alternative in vaping. The doctors recommending Storz & Bickel, being the only vaporizer company currently on the market with a medical device rating; We start here and work through the models. 

Now for myself, as a younger lass, I actually like some draw resistance. It lets me know I am pulling adequately and I can adjust my breath accordingly for the sort of vapor I am seeking. That and the Crafty+, Mighty, Mighty+ really do not have that bad of draw resistance. However I am viewing this from my own myopic lens. 

After comparing the Mighty+ and Venty, even for me, it is night and day to see why drawing from the Venty is so much easier. While the little wheel pictured above doesn’t look like much,  the airflow adjustment when opened to max airflow almost feels like negative draw resistance (hence the Err05 code). For someone with lung issues or an inability to inhale for long periods of time the Venty is a resounding winner. You can get great pulls from the Venty almost by kissing it. 

Accessories & Customizations

Mighty water pipe adapter

This is likely another early 2024 issue but there is a lack of Venty parts & accessories. If someone lost their Venty Cooling Unit today, they could be waiting weeks if not months to get another while sitting around twiddling their thumbs. This is seen alot when vaporizer manufacturers go out of business, but is rarely seen for the best new vaporizer on the market from the #1 company in the space. 

Venty parts & accessories are on a pretty long backlog and it’s hard to say why when the demand is there. 

I am not a huge fan of all the water bubbler attachments and the weird aftermarket 10” glass mouthpiece attachments (not sure if that one exists). Most of these are arbitrary upsells offered in some bundle deal to increase margins.  Also the better the herb vaporizer the less need to use a water pipe adapter. But hey that is my opinion and the Crafty+ & Mighty+ mini bubbler we sell is very well received.

As for myself, I  like to enjoy and use the vaporizers as they come. But if you are looking to customize or make sure you have sufficient parts & accessories for your vaporizer, at this time the Mighty+ would be better suited if this was a deciding factor in your purchase.  

Pass Through Charging

The Mighty+ can be used while charging but is not recommended and does require an OEM Storz & Bickel Mighty+ charger or one with the 15V@3A capacity. The Mighty+ will let you know you are good to pass through charge by displaying a “dct” on the screen.  The Venty cannot be used while charging. 

Given they are both portable vaporizers, the only good use case for pass-through charging is when you want to have a night cap before bed and find your vaporizer out of juice. Sadly this does happen to me quite a bit and why I like the Mighty and Mighty+. 

The downside to pass through charging is the wear & tear on the batteries. While occasional use of pass-through charging is unlikely to cause significant harm to batteries, frequent use over an extended period may contribute to accelerated battery degradation. 

Taking into consideration their charge times between the Mighty+ and Venty is rather nominal and this should not be a deciding factor in choosing one over the other.

Vapor Quality

When comparing two different model vaporizers of the same brand I always liked to do what I call the blindfold test. Can I tell the difference between either by simply inhaling and not knowing which is which ? 

The Mighty, Crafty+ & Mighty+ I cannot. The Venty vapor quality isn’t in a league of its own, but it is a smidgen better than the Mighty+. I got so accustomed to the Mighty+ et al being the top level quality which cannot be beat and then something new comes along from the same brand which slightly edges it out but I cannot put my finger on it. This would be like going to the same fine dining meal but something is slightly tweaked that night to my delight yet no one has told me what had changed. 

Besides being the hot new vape in town, the Venty does produce the best vapor out there from any portable herb vaporizer on the market. A recognition previously regarded solely for the Mighty and Mighty+. 


venty app

For the tech savvy and those who like to have connectivity in their devices the Venty is the way to go. Not only is Venty super easy to control on the device itself but offers the ability to update firmware, see hours of use and other features offered by the app. 

Myself, I like to turn the device on and have at it without the need for an app. Given the Venty has the best of both words there is no trade off here. The Venty only offers the added benefit of having bluetooth but also lets you control 100% with ease on the device itself. The Crafty+ would be the Storz & Bickel vaporizer which does not offer the controls on the device itself making you use the S&B App.

These are a few of the main and current differences with the Venty vs. The Mighty+ and we always say you cannot go wrong with any Storz & Bickel vaporizer. 

Given the current issues with the Venty we are not forcing customers who have issues out of the box to handle their warranties direct with Storz & Bickel. Most of those with DOA Venty units have opted to go with another Storz & Bickel Vaporizer whether it be the Volcano Hybrid or Mighty+. This speaks highly of Storz & Bickel’s brand recognition. 

Don’t be off put but the Venty recall or early Venty issues. However if you own a Mighty or Mighty+ already and are wanting to upgrade we do recommend waiting.Rest assured in time the issues will be resolved and the minor differences in price, charging options and user experience settings will be the only things to consider when deciding to purchase the Venty or Mighty+. 

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Anuj Agarwal
3 months ago

I own Mighty and Venty and agree with your assessment. Your review is well thought out and very useful to the customer. It’s not a typical product post meant to drive sales.

You guys should be proud of running a high quality, honest enterprise

3 months ago

Super helpful article. Just the facts and an honest recommendation. Thanks

2 months ago

Have the Mighty for a couple of years. Didn’t bother with the Mighty+ . But have just ordered this new Venty (without reading about the issues..).. the main reason is that I do sometimes have to really drag hard on the Mighty to get my lungs filled. I hope the Venty wil give a better experience for that part. Other than that, I’m very pleased with my Mighty and will be putting the Mighty to another use: vaping Changa..

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