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davinci iq2 carbon fiber edition

Carbon IQ2 Vaporizer – Davinci Limited Edition

Davinci Vaporizers, makers of the Ascent and IQ Vaporizer, are set to celebrate their ten year anniversary with the release of a limited edition Carbon Fiber Davinci IQ2. It appears the old Davinci design team had plans for a Carbon Fiber IQ2 before their recent acquisition by Greenlane as this 2020 Forbes article with Davinci’s then CEO discusses the Carbon Fiber IQ2 release and the challenges and intricacies of utilizing a carbon fiber weave.

carbon davinci iq2

Davinci, which sold to Greenlane in 2021 has faced similar headwinds as other standouts in the dry herb vaporizer space, namely Arizer with failure to innovate in a meaningful way. While Davinci produces a top of the line portable herb vaporizer the space has become saturated with competition and newer Davinci Models such as the IQ2 and IQC provided only a slightly better experience from the original IQ Vaporizer of 2016. In essence it has remained the same vaporizer.

comparing the IQC Vaporizer

Add in falling prices across the board on herb vaporizers coupled with inflationary pressures and anniversary or not it does seem like there could not be a worse time to release a limited edition $500 vaporizer of a Davinci IQ2 vaporizer that many shy away from given it’s $300 price tag.

Carbon Fiber Davinci IQ2

carbon davinci iq2

Carbon Fiber is a great material for a vaporizer given it’s high chemical and temperature resistance and durability relative to weight. On paper this should make the IQ2 Carbon a much more lightweight version of the original IQ2, however both weigh the same at 5.6 oz. 

Another feature we would expect being made of carbon fiber instead of a brushed aluminum alloy is that it would not get hot in the hand during longer sessions – something critics have pointed to with the Davinci IQ series vaporizers and a reason we recommend picking up a Davinci IQ Silicone Sleeve.

The Davinci IQ2-C will utilize a 3k Carbon Fiber weave which is considered to be better than a 12k weave and one of the best for the applications in aerospace and defense for it’s elongation to failure – a fancy way of saying how much stress and strain it can withstand. Davinci did not cut any corners here on the standout feature of it’s limited edition IQ2 Vaporizer.

carbon iq2 bundle

10 Year Anniversary Limited Edition Bundle

The Limited Edition Davinci IQ2 Carbon Fiber Vaporizer does come in a premium packaging with a slew of accessories to enhance your session. So it is unfair to say this is a $500 Vaporizer given the $150 or so in extras. With the Carbon Fiber IQ2 you also get 

  • 10 mm Hydratube
  • Dosage Grinder
  • Engraved Keychain with your Serial Number
  • Dosage Pod Holder
  • 6 x Stainless Steel Dosage Pods
  • Charging & Storage Box


At $499 and only 1000 to be produced, this is slated to be a collector’s vaporizer for someone who has been a dry herb aficionado for some time and has seen the progression of Davinci over the years from their very first Davinci original which looked like a walkie talkie to the high end IQ2. We will certainly pick one up for the shop just like we got a 24kt  Gold plated 20th anniversary Classic Volcano for that limited release.

The accessories which come with the Carbon Fiber IQ2-C do make it a tad more appealing but for someone who values function over aesthetics and would opt to save some money there are just so many better options out there at even half the cost in the Davinci IQC (adding a Zirconia mouthpiece) or the Crafty+ at $279. 

You can also pick up the accessories like the hydratube a tad cheaper if buying unbranded and adding your own Davinci 10 to 14mm water pipe adapter which will let you pair with whatever glass you have at home and not be limited to the Davinci Hydratube.

A Premium IQ2 For Collectors

All in all there are only 1000 being made and this is a premium package. Currently the device is in pre-order which we have advised against given the handful of snafus that have happened with companies like Hopper Labs and the now defunct VapeXhale. Davinci is leaps and bounds a better company than the aforementioned but we don’t see these flying off the shelf at $500 so you might want to wait until it is in stock and shipping before forking over 5 bills. 

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