Puffco Peak Pro Opal | Puffco’s First Limited Edition Peak Pro Vaporizer
Puffco has released their first Limited Edition Peak Pro dubbed the Opal. While the Peak Pro has been out nearly a year now, Puffco has since only released their April Fool’s Nalgene Water Bottle Bong (The Budsy) and the Puffco Hot Knife (a take on the Dr. Dabber Budder Cutter). In fact the only accessory intended for the Peak Pro has been the Peak Pro Ball Cap.
Color Change

The Peak Pro Opal has a white exterior, totally opposite of the Peak Pro’s black finish. The new white Opal base is also transparent, allowing the LED lights of your Pro to shine through the front side of the base.If you are looking for fun visual engagement while enjoying quality dabs, the Limited Edition Opal’s approach is going to provide just that.
Besides the color change, the Peak Pro Opal has made adjustments to the glass the Puffco staple comes with. It would be hard to call it the “Opal” without an Opal in it.
Opal is an earthy crystal which is the birthstone of Libras and is the national gemstone of Australia. Puffco adds this small Opal in the crown of the Peak Pro Glass.
The inner cone is also helixed which would provide some additional cooling of the vapor in theory, but doubtful this is enough to differentiate anything from the original Peak Pro Glass.
The good news for lovers of the opal glass is that it is compatible with the Original Peak and Peak Pro.
Given the amount of 3rd party glass out there for the Puffco Peak and Peak Pro, if you are looking for functional customizations, such as cooler vapor or enhanced percolation, the Opal Glass is not the way to go and we recommend picking up something like the Ryan Fitt Recylcer Glass.
This goes overall for the Puffco Peak Pro Opal. The Vapor Quality of the Peak Pro and the user experience are what has made this vaporizer such a hot item. The limited edition Opal is just a more “party favors” fun design that will give you the same quality and experience in a different color.
Limited Edition Vaporizers should be purchased when the design really speaks to you. Puffco pumped out a slew of limited edition Peaks and Dr. Dabber recently did the same with their limited edition Slime Green and Skunk Purple Switches.
Will your vapor be any different at all ? No, but it is always nice to have a quality vaporizer that displays your personality and lifestyle.